The Diaspora Futures Collective is a collaborative community of people from diverse backgrounds working on the future.
Current systems of knowledge generation in the mainstream futures practice are no longer adequate to address the problems of the future, the urgency is clear. We need collaboration across diverse cultural backgrounds, lived experiences, and stories beyond the dominant paradigm.
We hope to continue to build, learn, and iterate in the hopes of strengthening ourselves as well as creating a more inclusive and equitable future. Our aim is to amplify pluralistic voices and methodologies in the futures discourse.
Our Conversations
Our second conversation picked up from considering how much of “time” we’ve lost. That is, how ancient and ancestral conceptions of time have been subsumed by the more dominant western, scientific, efficiency-oriented conception of it
“We don’t have a word for nonlinear in our languages because nobody would consider travelling, thinking, or talking in a straight line in the first place. The winding path is just how a path is and therefore it needs no name”
~ Tyson Yunkaporta
Nothing changes you like a death.
Everyone is talking about decolonizing these days and we have been wrestling with this topic too.
For many, the crises of the past year shed light on several fault lines within our society. But for those of us from underrepresented and marginalized communities, the fragility of existing systems has always been glaringly obvious.